Shape Your Eyebrows
Eyebrows can dramatically change your appearance. Tweezing your eyebrows is one of the most dramatic way to change your face without makeup or surgery. It can make your eyes look larger and give your face a clean, polished look. You may also need to fill your eyebrows in to give them an even look. Brow powders are often the best option.
Use a wedge or thin liner brush to apply the powder. There are also eyebrow liners, which can be heavy. Or you can use eyebrow gels or a combination of gels, powders, and liners. Try not to draw on eyebrows. Eyebrows protect our eyes from dust and dirt and also frame the face to give it proportion. Never tweeze your eyebrows on a special date or occasion.
The last step is to remove any hairs that are in between your natural brows. An important eyebrow shaping tip is to replace your tweezers every year or so. Select tweezers that are slant-edged and have a rough textured point. Dip it in antiseptic before and after you tweeze. Try and tweeze and shape your eyebrows after you have washed your face.
Threading is a method of shaping your eyebrows with a length of thread and has been popular in China, India and the Middle East. Since it is very precise, it allows the beautician to exercise control over the eyebrow shape. Waxing is not very suitable since you cannot control wax to remove individual hair.
What You Need:
1. A great pair of tweezers.
2. A mirror, preferably magnifying.
3. Anbesol or children's teething gel if you are afraid of pain.
1. Make sure that the beginning of the eyebrows aligns with the center of the nostril.
2. Pluck the extra hairs that stick out of your shape.
3. Have a friend there or work in front of a mirror so you pluck your eyebrows to the right shape.
4. Take a bag of half-melted ice, wrap it around a towel and rest on your eyebrows.
5. When you finish, remove the ice and you have flawless eyebrows.

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